Core Values
Trees are one of our greatest natural assets, cleaning our air, filtering pollution, reducing noise, and purifying our soil and water (in one year, a tree can absorb as much as carbon as is produced by a car driving 26,000 miles!). In addition to enhancing property value with their natural beauty, they can significantly reduce heating and cooling costs by providing shade and buffering wind.
I consider myself the steward of your trees, and take my mission seriously: to safeguard their health in the most efficacious, responsible, environmentally friendly manner possible. I do this by:
Listening carefully to your situation and desires, considering your budget, and developing a whole-solution approach that takes the best of cutting-edge and traditional methods
Assessing, with full transparency and without any conflict of interest, the current condition of your trees and providing a prognosis of their future health
Educating you on the available methods and technologies, and ensuring your buy-in of the route we have chosen
Responding quickly to your queries and needs, and bringing the full range of my expertise to your service
Staying on the leading edge of arboriculture, constantly educating myself and researching the latest developments not only in plant care, but also in trends in the environment and weather that can affect your trees
Sharing my knowledge and capabilities with my community - from the chamber of commerce to elementary-school students - to ensure that we're all doing what we can to protect the health of our trees.